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Danish Strawberry Tart

Ad // made in collaboration with Le Creuset

This is and will always be my all-time favourite cake of all cakes! Nothing beats a Danish strawberry tart. It reminds me of Danish Summer and always makes me nostalgic. I've developed the recipes over many years now, and I think this version I've made it simply the best!

Simple as a traditional strawberry tart should be, spiced up with a little elevated decoration in form of a strawberry rose.

I’ve teamed up with the amazing Le Creuset to create the tart by using their high quality kitchen equipment. I’m honoured to be working with one of the brands I’ve always admired.

Because for me, good quality equipment really makes a difference for the baking process and how what I create turns out. So I truly loved creating this tart with the most amazing pots, pans, knives and rubber spatula among others. You can find all the equipment here.

The cherry on top was to serve the cake at the cutest table with the most beautiful porcelain.

You can watch my YouTube step-by-step guide of the tart here.

Happy baking <3

Amount: 8-10 servings

The recipe contains affiliate links.


Day 1


  • 160 g cold butter

  • 30 g icing sugar

  • 260 g all-purpose flour

  • 10 g almond flour

  • 1 1/2 (1,5) egg yolks

  • a pinch of salt

Day 1

Marzipan Filling:

  • 160 g soft butter

  • 160 g caster sugar

  • 115 g grated marzipan 

  • 1 egg

  • 28 g all-purpose flour

Day 1

Dark Chocolate layer:

  • 100 g dark chocolate

Day 1

Vanilla Cream:

  • Vanilla seeds from two vanilla beans 

  • 200 ml whole milk 

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 25 g caster sugar

  • 50 ml whole milk 

  • 25 g cornstarch

  • 200 ml heavy cream

Day 1


Strawberry Rose:

  • Lots of fresh strawberries, preferably in the same size and height

  • Flowers

Fruit glaze: 

  • 50 g caster sugar

  • 170 g water

  • 3/4 (0.75) tbsp cornstarch 

  • 1 tbsp glucose syrup


You can watch my YouTube step-by-step guide of the tart here.

Shortcrust Pastry:

  1. Mix all-purpose flour, almond flour, powdered sugar, salt and butter (cut in cubes) in a food processor and pulse briefly to combine

  2. Put the dough in a bowl and bring the dough together with the egg yolks. Be careful not to knead the dough too much

  3. Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and refrigerate for 1 hours. It should be very cold when you cake it out

  4. Cut out a bottom with a 20 cm diameter tart ring and place it inside the tart ring (I am using a De Buyer perforated fluted tart ring) on an AirMat / piece of baking paper

  5. Cut out long pieces of dough to line the sides of the tart ring

  6. Place a piece of round baking paper on top of the tart and pre-bake it with baking beans/rice for approx. 7 minutes at 200°C / 392°F. Prepare the marzipan filling  in the meantime 

  7. Remove the baking beans/rice with the baking paper after pre-baking the tart

Marzipan Filling:

  1. Roughly grate the marzipan and put it in a bowl

  2. Add sugar and soft butter and whisk it well until it is combined

  3. Stir in the egg. Mix until combined

  4. Lastly, add the all-purpose flour

  5. Pour the marzipan filling in the pre-baked tart. Level the surface with a rubber spatula 

  6. Bake the tart at 175°C / 347°F for 18-22 minutes until the marzipan filling is golden Tip: If the tart dough starts getting too dark during baking, you can cover it with a piece of tin foil

  7. Place the tart on a cooling baking rack and let it cool completely

  8. When the tart has cooled, gently level the surface a little with a spoon

Dark Chocolate layer:

  1. Carefully melt the dark chocolate in a sauce pan or by using a water bath

  2. Pour the chocolate on top of the cooled tart and even the layer with a rubber spatula

  3. Put the tart in the fridge so the chocolate can set

Vanilla Cream:

  1. Cut the vanilla beans and scrape out the seeds

  2. Whisk egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and 50 ml whole milk  in a bowl until there is no clumps

  3. Heat 200 ml whole milk, the vanilla seeds and the two empty vanilla beans  almost to the boiling point 

  4. Remove the pot from the heat and pour the milk/vanilla over the egg-mixture in the bowl while whisking briefly until combined

  5. Pour all the cream back in the pot and heat the cream while constantly whisking so it  does not burn. Heat the cream until it has a very thick consistency

  6. Pour the cream in a bowl and put clingfilm on top of the cream.  Put it in the fridge for a couple of hours until it is fully cold and set

  7. When you are ready to decorate the tart: Pour the cream in a bigger bowl, remove the  empty vanilla beans and whip the cream until it is smooth and free of clumps

  8. Whip 200 ml heavy cream to stiff whipped cream and fold the whipped cream into the cream

  9. Put the vanilla cream in a piping bag with a medium size / 1 cm diameter round pastry tip

  10. Place the tart on a cake platter and  pipe the cream on the tart. Tip: Make sure not to pipe the cream on the sides of the tart dough by leaving a little space between the tart dough and the cream

Strawberry Rose:

  1. Cut the top off a large portion of fresh strawberries and cut each strawberry into thin slices. Remove the thicker ends so you mostly have tall slices

  2. Spread each slices from one strawberry into a straight line. Repeat with all strawberries

  3. Starting from the outer side, place the strawberries around the tart, leaning on the tart sides, before you start working your way in to the middle

  4. Finish the middle with a few strawberry slices folded into a spiral pattern

Fruit Glaze:

  1. Mix 3/4 (0.75) tbsp cornstarch with 25 g of the 170 g water

  2. Heat 50 g caster sugar and 145 g water to a boil

  3. Stir in the cornstarch mix and cook the glaze until it thickens and is turning clear while you constantly whisk

  4. Add glucose syrup and cook for 30 seconds

  5. Pour the glaze in a small bowl and let it cool a bit 

  6. Gently brush the glaze on the strawberries

  7. Decorate with flowers


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